程序的源代码不仅定义了其语义,还包含可以识别其作者的细微线索。几项研究表明,这些线索可以使用机器学习自动提取,并允许在数百名程序员中确定程序的作者。这种归因对反审查和隐私增强技术的开发商构成了重大威胁,因为它们变得可识别并可能受到起诉。对这种威胁的理想保护是源代码的匿名化。但是,到目前为止,尚未探索这种匿名化的理论和实际原则。在本文中,我们解决了这个问题,并为有关代码匿名化的推理开发了一个框架。我们证明,生成$ k $匿名程序的任务 - 一个不能归因于$ k $ author的程序 - 不可计算,因此是研究的终点。作为一种补救措施,我们介绍了一个轻松的概念,称为$ k $ uncrunclantity,这使我们能够衡量开发人员的保护。基于这个概念,我们在经验上研究了匿名化的候选技术,例如代码归一化,编码样式模仿和代码混淆。我们发现,当攻击者意识到匿名化时,这些技术都没有提供足够的保护。虽然我们引入了一种从代码中删除剩余线索的方法,但我们工作的主要结果是负面的:源代码的匿名化是一个困难而开放的问题。
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本文介绍了Cerberus机器人系统系统,该系统赢得了DARPA Subterranean挑战最终活动。出席机器人自主权。由于其几何复杂性,降解的感知条件以及缺乏GPS支持,严峻的导航条件和拒绝通信,地下设置使自动操作变得特别要求。为了应对这一挑战,我们开发了Cerberus系统,该系统利用了腿部和飞行机器人的协同作用,再加上可靠的控制,尤其是为了克服危险的地形,多模式和多机器人感知,以在传感器退化,以及在传感器退化的条件下进行映射以及映射通过统一的探索路径计划和本地运动计划,反映机器人特定限制的弹性自主权。 Cerberus基于其探索各种地下环境及其高级指挥和控制的能力,表现出有效的探索,对感兴趣的对象的可靠检测以及准确的映射。在本文中,我们报告了DARPA地下挑战赛的初步奔跑和最终奖项的结果,并讨论了为社区带来利益的教训所面临的亮点和挑战。
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磁共振成像(MRI)是中风成像的中心方式。它被用来接受患者的治疗决定,例如选择患者进行静脉溶栓或血管内治疗。随后在住院期间使用MRI来通过可视化梗塞核心大小和位置来预测结果。此外,它可以用来表征中风病因,例如(心脏) - 栓塞和非胚胎中风之间的区分。基于计算机的自动医疗图像处理越来越多地进入临床常规。缺血性中风病变分割(ISLE)挑战的先前迭代有助于生成鉴定急性和急性缺血性中风病变分割的基准方法。在这里,我们介绍了一个专家注册的多中心MRI数据集,以分割急性到亚急性中风病变。该数据集包括400个多供应商MRI案例,中风病变大小,数量和位置的可变性很高。它分为n = 250的训练数据集和n = 150的测试数据集。所有培训数据将公开可用。测试数据集将仅用于模型验证,并且不会向公众发布。该数据集是Isles 2022挑战的基础,目的是找到算法方法,以实现缺血性中风的稳健和准确分割算法的开发和基准测试。
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深度学习(DL)模型为各种医学成像基准挑战提供了最先进的性能,包括脑肿瘤细分(BRATS)挑战。然而,局灶性病理多隔室分割(例如,肿瘤和病变子区)的任务特别具有挑战性,并且潜在的错误阻碍DL模型转化为临床工作流程。量化不确定形式的DL模型预测的可靠性,可以实现最不确定的地区的临床审查,从而建立信任并铺平临床翻译。最近,已经引入了许多不确定性估计方法,用于DL医学图像分割任务。开发指标评估和比较不确定性措施的表现将有助于最终用户制定更明智的决策。在本研究中,我们探索并评估在Brats 2019-2020任务期间开发的公制,以对不确定量化量化(Qu-Brats),并旨在评估和排列脑肿瘤多隔室分割的不确定性估计。该公制(1)奖励不确定性估计,对正确断言产生高置信度,以及在不正确的断言处分配低置信水平的估计数,(2)惩罚导致更高百分比的无关正确断言百分比的不确定性措施。我们进一步基准测试由14个独立参与的Qu-Brats 2020的分割不确定性,所有这些都参与了主要的Brats细分任务。总体而言,我们的研究结果证实了不确定性估计提供了分割算法的重要性和互补价值,因此突出了医学图像分析中不确定性量化的需求。我们的评估代码在HTTPS://github.com/ragmeh11/qu-brats公开提供。
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Passive monitoring of acoustic or radio sources has important applications in modern convenience, public safety, and surveillance. A key task in passive monitoring is multiobject tracking (MOT). This paper presents a Bayesian method for multisensor MOT for challenging tracking problems where the object states are high-dimensional, and the measurements follow a nonlinear model. Our method is developed in the framework of factor graphs and the sum-product algorithm (SPA). The multimodal probability density functions (pdfs) provided by the SPA are effectively represented by a Gaussian mixture model (GMM). To perform the operations of the SPA in high-dimensional spaces, we make use of Particle flow (PFL). Here, particles are migrated towards regions of high likelihood based on the solution of a partial differential equation. This makes it possible to obtain good object detection and tracking performance even in challenging multisensor MOT scenarios with single sensor measurements that have a lower dimension than the object positions. We perform a numerical evaluation in a passive acoustic monitoring scenario where multiple sources are tracked in 3-D from 1-D time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) measurements provided by pairs of hydrophones. Our numerical results demonstrate favorable detection and estimation accuracy compared to state-of-the-art reference techniques.
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Location-aware networks will introduce new services and applications for modern convenience, surveillance, and public safety. In this paper, we consider the problem of cooperative localization in a wireless network where the position of certain anchor nodes can be controlled. We introduce an active planning method that aims at moving the anchors such that the information gain of future measurements is maximized. In the control layer of the proposed method, control inputs are calculated by minimizing the traces of approximate inverse Bayesian Fisher information matrixes (FIMs). The estimation layer computes estimates of the agent states and provides Gaussian representations of marginal posteriors of agent positions to the control layer for approximate Bayesian FIM computations. Based on a cost function that accumulates Bayesian FIM contributions over a sliding window of discrete future timesteps, a receding horizon (RH) control is performed. Approximations that make it possible to solve the resulting tree-search problem efficiently are also discussed. A numerical case study demonstrates the intelligent behavior of a single controlled anchor in a 3-D scenario and the resulting significantly improved localization accuracy.
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Knowledge distillation (KD) has gained a lot of attention in the field of model compression for edge devices thanks to its effectiveness in compressing large powerful networks into smaller lower-capacity models. Online distillation, in which both the teacher and the student are learning collaboratively, has also gained much interest due to its ability to improve on the performance of the networks involved. The Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence ensures the proper knowledge transfer between the teacher and student. However, most online KD techniques present some bottlenecks under the network capacity gap. By cooperatively and simultaneously training, the models the KL distance becomes incapable of properly minimizing the teacher's and student's distributions. Alongside accuracy, critical edge device applications are in need of well-calibrated compact networks. Confidence calibration provides a sensible way of getting trustworthy predictions. We propose BD-KD: Balancing of Divergences for online Knowledge Distillation. We show that adaptively balancing between the reverse and forward divergences shifts the focus of the training strategy to the compact student network without limiting the teacher network's learning process. We demonstrate that, by performing this balancing design at the level of the student distillation loss, we improve upon both performance accuracy and calibration of the compact student network. We conducted extensive experiments using a variety of network architectures and show improvements on multiple datasets including CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Tiny-ImageNet, and ImageNet. We illustrate the effectiveness of our approach through comprehensive comparisons and ablations with current state-of-the-art online and offline KD techniques.
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Biometrics are one of the most privacy-sensitive data. Ubiquitous authentication systems with a focus on privacy favor decentralized approaches as they reduce potential attack vectors, both on a technical and organizational level. The gold standard is to let the user be in control of where their own data is stored, which consequently leads to a high variety of devices used. Moreover, in comparison with a centralized system, designs with higher end-user freedom often incur additional network overhead. Therefore, when using face recognition for biometric authentication, an efficient way to compare faces is important in practical deployments, because it reduces both network and hardware requirements that are essential to encourage device diversity. This paper proposes an efficient way to aggregate embeddings used for face recognition based on an extensive analysis on different datasets and the use of different aggregation strategies. As part of this analysis, a new dataset has been collected, which is available for research purposes. Our proposed method supports the construction of massively scalable, decentralized face recognition systems with a focus on both privacy and long-term usability.
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Model counting is a fundamental problem which has been influential in many applications, from artificial intelligence to formal verification. Due to the intrinsic hardness of model counting, approximate techniques have been developed to solve real-world instances of model counting. This paper designs a new anytime approach called PartialKC for approximate model counting. The idea is a form of partial knowledge compilation to provide an unbiased estimate of the model count which can converge to the exact count. Our empirical analysis demonstrates that PartialKC achieves significant scalability and accuracy over prior state-of-the-art approximate counters, including satss and STS. Interestingly, the empirical results show that PartialKC reaches convergence for many instances and therefore provides exact model counting performance comparable to state-of-the-art exact counters.
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The Me 163 was a Second World War fighter airplane and a result of the German air force secret developments. One of these airplanes is currently owned and displayed in the historic aircraft exhibition of the Deutsches Museum in Munich, Germany. To gain insights with respect to its history, design and state of preservation, a complete CT scan was obtained using an industrial XXL-computer tomography scanner. Using the CT data from the Me 163, all its details can visually be examined at various levels, ranging from the complete hull down to single sprockets and rivets. However, while a trained human observer can identify and interpret the volumetric data with all its parts and connections, a virtual dissection of the airplane and all its different parts would be quite desirable. Nevertheless, this means, that an instance segmentation of all components and objects of interest into disjoint entities from the CT data is necessary. As of currently, no adequate computer-assisted tools for automated or semi-automated segmentation of such XXL-airplane data are available, in a first step, an interactive data annotation and object labeling process has been established. So far, seven 512 x 512 x 512 voxel sub-volumes from the Me 163 airplane have been annotated and labeled, whose results can potentially be used for various new applications in the field of digital heritage, non-destructive testing, or machine-learning. This work describes the data acquisition process of the airplane using an industrial XXL-CT scanner, outlines the interactive segmentation and labeling scheme to annotate sub-volumes of the airplane's CT data, describes and discusses various challenges with respect to interpreting and handling the annotated and labeled data.
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